It also weakened our diplomatic stance , because Russia could easily guess we did not desire a nuclear war << except >> in the ultimate extremity . Yet we who lean upon such a man and draw strength from him and expect interpretation of the infinite through him -- we who readily << accept >> his sacrifice as our due , we of the congregations are the first to tell him what is in our minds instead of listening to what is in his soul . In each city civic and education leaders have been working hard to get public opinion prepared to << accept >> the inevitability of equal treatment . Contrarily , Republican `` volunteers '' go their separate ways , and thus far have given no indication that they'd be willing to join forces under a single directorate , << except >> in the most loose-knit fashion . Neither had a choice other than to << accept >> the invitation . To hang 50 Governors might be preferable << except >> that they are not directly related to the highways ; ; most modern adapters totally << accept >> the world of a book , squeeze it dry of life , and add only one contribution of their own : stage technique . The vast , dungeon kitchens may seem hardly worth using << except >> on occasions when one is faced with a thousand unexpected guests for lunch . There are 12 of these to choose from , all of them of popular music << except >> for the star release , Pass In Review ( SP-44001 ) . Now there is no reason in the world why a matchmaker in Ireland should happen also to be a talented soft-shoe dancer and gifted improviser of movements of the limbs , torso and neck , << except >> that these talents add immensely to the enjoyment of the play . All went home happy << except >> the Newport police , who feared that the throng departing at 6:35 might meet head-on the night crowd drawing nigh , and those deprived of their happy hour at the cocktail bar . Unhappily , `` Heaven Has No Favorites '' does not alter the record << except >> to add one more bad book to the list . Furthermore , as an encouragement to revisionist thinking , it manifestly is fair to admit that any fraternity has a constitutional right to refuse to << accept >> persons it dislikes . To ask me to believe that so inexpressibly marvelous a book was written long after all the events by some admiring follower , and was not inspired directly by the Spirit of God , is asking me to << accept >> a miracle far greater than any of those recorded in the Bible . The next traditional step then was to << accept >> it as the authoritative textbook of the Christian faith just as one would accept a treatise on any earthly `` science '' , and I submitted to its conditions according to Christ's invitation and promise that , `` If any man will do his will , he shall know of the doctrine , whether it be of God , or whether I speak of myself '' ( John 7 : 17 ) . The next traditional step then was to accept it as the authoritative textbook of the Christian faith just as one would << accept >> a treatise on any earthly `` science '' , and I submitted to its conditions according to Christ's invitation and promise that , `` If any man will do his will , he shall know of the doctrine , whether it be of God , or whether I speak of myself '' ( John 7 : 17 ) . Why not open your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ now , << accept >> Him as your Saviour and let Him fill you with peace that only He can give . It is difficult to say what can be done about them << except >> that we must learn to recognize when it is they , rather than pretexts for them , that are causing the trouble , and do everything possible to nurture the healthy personalities that will prevent the development of such deficiencies . But one does not have to affirm the existence of an evil order irredeemable in that sense , or a static order in which no changes will take place in time , to be able truthfully to affirm the following fact : there has never been justitia imprinted in social institutions and social relationships << except >> in the context of some pax-ordo preserved by clothed or naked force . Not to repel injury and uphold and improve pax-ordo means not simply to << accept >> the misshapen order and injustice that challenges it at the moment , but also to start down the steep slope along which justice can find no place whereon to stand . Treat them right and they'll make a showing every month in the year << except >> the frigid ones . Now unsolder and disassemble the frame << except >> for the two 12'' '' and the first two 3-3/4'' '' bars ( `` A '' and `` B '' pieces ) , which are soldered together . To each tappet << except >> 6 and 8 , solder a Af piece of brass and file to the tapered shape shown in Figs. 6 and 8 . Shotgun-type rubber recoil pads are standard on all of the Magnums << except >> the The chines go in the same way << except >> that they are made of two pieces of two-inch wood for strength and easier bending . Here , this happy , roving son of good fortune proved that he could << accept >> the disciplines of a new social-economic order fighting for its very existence and ideals in a truculent world . Gradually he withdrew from the shop altogether , and for the past thirty years , he has worked independently as a painter , << except >> for his continued hunting and fishing expeditions . But the Russians use gymnastics as the first step in training for all other sports because it provides training in every basic quality << except >> one , endurance . Will your union << accept >> seniority concessions in assigning work for older or disabled employees ? ? It is , as one engineer says , `` indeed a difficult thing for the engineer to << accept >> that he can go as far on his technical merit as he could employing managerial skills . Scientists who agitate hardest for technical recognition are often the most reluctant to << accept >> it . A valid American driving license is accepted in all countries << except >> Portugal , Spain , Yugoslavia and Eastern Europe . However , readers who << accept >> Freud's findings and believe that he has solved completely the mystery of dreams , should ponder over the following words in his Interpretation Of Dreams , Chapter 1 : : `` A marriage can survive almost any kind of stress << except >> an open and direct challenge to the husband's maleness '' , declares Dr. Calderone . It is significant that the Catskills , which used to be the summer playground for older teen-agers , a kind of summer suburb of New York , no longer attracts them in great numbers -- << except >> for those who work there as waiters , bus boys , or counselors in the day camps . Gorham refused to << accept >> money for slave property , but did he realize how much expense and trouble the transportation of his Negroes to the North involved ? ? When he heard of his brothers' anger , Palfrey was still hopeful that they could be persuaded to << accept >> his notion of paying wages . Instead of the expected `` annoyances '' due to the nature of his mission , he received many calling cards and invitations from `` gentlemen of mark , on whom I had no sort of claim , & have had many more invitations than I could << accept >> '' . After all , she had come to Spelman Seminary in 1888 , and had been since 1891 << except >> for one year , Associate Principal or Dean . It is not often realized to what degree certain trades are in many communities closed areas of employment , << except >> for a lucky few . for every grown man ( << except >> a few who were always suspected of being shy on virility ) knew at least the fundamentals of baseball , just as every male American in this era liked to imagine ( or pretend ) that he could fight with his fists . Her ostensible indifference to and rebellion against suggestions and criticisms by anyone << except >> peer friends during adolescence are the manifestations , in her adolescence , of her having been indoctrinated in childhood to feel shame , if not guilt , for failing to behave in a manner acceptable to , and judged by , the performance of her nursery- and elementary-school peer friends . Under the new rules , testimony is taken orally in open court in all cases << except >> those of an extraordinary character . Everything , thereafter , is permitted him << except >> the love he remembers and has never ceased to need . Bienville , who returned to succeed Perier in 1732 , objected that the merchants would not << accept >> the responsibility of managing a trade in which they could see no hope of profits . Finding peaceful coexistence temporarily unsuitable because of domestic politics , Moscow resumed scowling and `` Smilin' Mike '' dropped quietly out of the press << except >> for an occasional story reporting that he had been stoned somewhere in the Middle West . They suggested several new foods , and usually I found them good , << except >> the sweets , which I think I could learn to like . As for states' rights , they have never counted in the thinking of my liberal friends << except >> as irritations of a minor and immoral nature which exist now only as anachronisms . but many historians maintain that << except >> for Northern meddling it would have ended in states like Virginia years before it did . Or else the North really believes that all Southerners << except >> a few quaint old characters have come around to realizing the errors of their past , and are now at heart sharers of the American Dream , like everybody else . They went well-equipped with everything << except >> knowledge of the `` outback '' country . When the Know-nothings get control , it will read , All men are created equal << except >> Negroes and foreigners and Catholics . As Lipton puts it : `` The Eros is felt in the magic circle of marijuana with far greater force , as a unifying principle in human relationships , than at any other time << except >> , perhaps , in the mutual metaphysical orgasms . It takes a great deal of abstraction to free oneself from the primitive impression of larger unities of power and influence and to view one's world simply as a collection of sense data arranged in such and such sequence and pattern , devoid of all power to move the feelings and actions << except >> in so far as they present themselves for inspection . That John Locke's philosophy of the social contract fathered the American Revolution with its Declaration of Independence , I believe , we generally << accept >> . As to benefits to employees , it is notorious for its callous disregard << except >> where it depends on them for services . Men continuously at the head of growing enterprises can acquire experiences of the most varied , complicated and trying type so that at maturation they have developed the competence and willingness to << accept >> the personal responsibility so sorely needed now . If a child had a single drop of Negro blood , he would revert to the ancestral line which , << except >> as slaves under a superior race , had not made one step of progress in 3,000 years . The point is that the reactionary , for whatever motive , perceives himself to have been part or a partner of something that extended beyond himself , something which , consequently , he was not able to << accept >> or reject on the basis of subjective preference . The fact that he has cast over those materials the light of a skeptical mind does not make him any the less Southern , I rather think , for the South has been no more solid than other regions << except >> in the political and related areas where patronage and force and intimidation and fear may produce a surface uniformity . Then , after overtures to << accept >> a settlement and go through with a divorce , Miriam gave a ghastly echo of Mrs. Micawber by suddenly stating , `` I will never leave Mr. Wright '' . What irritated Miriam was that Wright had told the papers about a reasonable offer he had made , which he considered she would << accept >> `` when she tires of publicity '' . He said that the architect might reasonably be expected to carry his financial burdens if all harrassment could be brought to an end , and that the bank would << accept >> a mortgage on Taliesin to help bring this about . Even now I will not intrude upon her << except >> to state a few bare facts . But I once again assure all peoples and all nations that the United States , << except >> in defense , will never turn loose this destructive power . This conference was held despite Stavropoulos' assurance to Adolf Berle , who was leaving the same day for Puerto Rico , that nothing would be done until his return on January 22 , << except >> that the Secretary General would probably order the list destroyed . `` History has this in common with every other science : that the historian is not allowed to claim any single piece of knowledge , << except >> where he can justify his claim by exhibiting to himself in the first place , and secondly to any one else who is both able and willing to follow his demonstration , the grounds upon which it is based . `` I don't know '' , I told him , `` << except >> that I will be here '' . Hood refused to notice anything << except >> captured guns and colors . The water was deep and Brownlow took his troopers across naked -- << except >> for guns , cartridge boxes and hats . All of the elders << except >> three voted for death , but a majority of the deputies refused to sanction the sentence . his hospital and doctor bills had been large and his income had been cut until he was receiving little << except >> small rentals on some properties he still owned . But things were worked out in the family and late in August he wrote Miss McCrady an explanatory letter in which he told her that matters at home had been in an unsettled condition after Papa's death and he had not known whether he would stay at home with Mama , << accept >> the Northwestern job , or return to Harvard . He hung around New York , waiting to hear whether they would << accept >> it for production and in that time came down to Asheville and also paid a short visit to Chapel Hill , where with almost childish delight he visited old friends and favorite campus spots . There are millions who << accept >> this doctrine , but few indeed are those who accept it so truly that the fate of humanity lies as a weight on their souls night and day . There are millions who accept this doctrine , but few indeed are those who << accept >> it so truly that the fate of humanity lies as a weight on their souls night and day . Try as I might to confess my sins and << accept >> salvation , no answer came to me from heaven . We find , in the first place , that the students overwhelmingly approve of higher education , positively evaluate the job their own institution is doing , do not << accept >> most of the criticisms levelled against higher education in the public prints , and , on the whole , approve of the way their university deals with value-problems and value inculcation . They even << accept >> the `` double standard '' of sex morality in a double sense , i.e. , both sexes agree that standards for men differ from standards for women , and women apply to both sexes a standard different from that held by men . Our data indicate that these students of today do basically << accept >> the existing institutions of the society , and , in the face of the realities of complex and large-scale economic and political problems , make a wary and ambivalent delegation of trust to those who occupy positions of legitimized responsibility for coping with such collective concerns . Everything was all very friendly , << except >> when it came to Harry , the youngest brother . Most scholars , while willing to << accept >> a survival ( revival ? ? Everyone is more or less sceptical and virtually no one has been willing to << accept >> Lappenberg or Kemble's position on that point . The CTCA program of activities was profuse : William Farnum and Mary Pickford on the screen , Elsie Janis and Harry Lauder on the stage , books provided by the American Library Association , full equipment for games and sports -- << except >> that no `` bones '' were furnished for the all-time favorite pastime played on any floor and known as `` African golf '' . They were not yet prepared to << accept >> it as irremediable . When Blackman emerged from the bedroom , everyone was gone << except >> the tolerant Lord Thomson , who stayed and chatted with him for half an hour , and then Blackman lay awake most of that night , despairing of what he must expect on the Continent . but anyone who would put much trust in any phase of Prolusion 6 , << except >> its illusive allusiveness deserves whatever fate may be meted out to him by virtue of the egregiously stilted banter . We saw Giuseppe Berto at a party once in a while , tall , lean , nervous and handsome , and , in our opinion , the best novelist of them all << except >> Pavese , and Pavese is dead . It was going to be hard going all the way because he hadn't written seriously for a while , << except >> for a few stories , was tired of the old method of realismo he had so successfully used in The Sky Is Red . Fixed monthly allowances are reimbursements for the same purpose << except >> on a non-itemized basis . The Commission shall comply with the provisons of the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 << except >> as otherwise specifically provided by this title . in the case of a partnership or corporation , the existence of which has been terminated and on behalf of which an award is made , payment shall be made , << except >> as provided in paragraphs ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) , to the person or persons found by the Comptroller General of the United States to be entitled thereto ; ; For each State ( << except >> Puerto Rico , Guam , the Virgin Islands , and , prior to 1962 , Alaska and Hawaii ) determine average per capita income based on the last three years . Determine for each State ( << except >> the Virgin Islands , Guam and Puerto Rico , and , prior to 1962 , Alaska and Hawaii ) that percentage which bears the same ratio to 50% as the particular State's average per capita income bears to the average per capita income of the U. S. . << except >> that no State shall have an allotment percentage less than 33-1/3% nor more than 75% . Determine for each State ( << except >> the Virgin Islands , Guam , Puerto Rico , and , prior to 1962 , Alaska and Hawaii ) , that percentage which bears the same ration to 40% as the particular State's average per capita income bears to the average per capita income of the United States . << except >> that no State shall have a Federal share less than 50% nor more than 70% . Du Pont would be denied the right to acquire any additional General Motors stock << except >> through General Motors' distributions of stock or subscription rights to its stockholders . The Government of India agrees that it will take all possible measures to prevent the resale or transshipment to other countries or the use for other than domestic purposes ( << except >> where such resale , transshipment or use is specifically approved by the Government of the United States of America ) , of the surplus agricultural commodities purchased pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement , and to assure that the purchase of such commodities does not result in increased availability of these or like commodities for export from India . Since he can neither << accept >> nor reject them all , he must be governed by the time and energy available for his prime professional obligations . The radius is calculated from the mass by assuming spheres of density Af << except >> for the smallest particles , which must have a higher mass density to remain in the solar system in the presence of solar-radiation pressure . All samplers were operated for a period of two hours << except >> one , which was operated for four hours . The saline and albumin tests were performed as described for the ABO samples << except >> that the mixture was incubated for 1 hr at 37-degrees-C before centrifugation . The red cells for the Rh antibody tests were used within 3 days after drawing << except >> for the Af cells , which had been glycerolized and stored at -20-degrees-C for approximately 1 year . The bronchial artery , << except >> for a small number of short branches in the hilum , contributes none of the pleural blood supply . The valves were normal << except >> for thin yellow plaques on the inferior surface of the mitral leaflets . The cells of the erythroid , myeloid , and megakaryocytic series were normal << except >> for their numbers . The fact that there can not be any limit points of the set << except >> in closed intervals follows from the argument used in Lemma 1 , namely , that near any tangent point in the C-plane the curves C and Af are analytic , and therefore the difference between them must be a monotone function in some neighborhood on either side of the tangent point . In some neighborhood of an isolated tangent point in the f-plane , say Af , the function Af is either double-valued or has no values defined , << except >> at the tangent point itself , where it is single-valued . We observe first that no line , l , can meet its image << except >> at one of its intersections with Q . Above all , we should seek to encourage the leaders of these societies to << accept >> the unpleasant fact that they are responsible for their fates . In theory , compulsive behavior is a way of diminishing anxiety , and one might expect a negative association << except >> for the possibility that for many children the obsessive-compulsive defenses are not sufficient to quell the amount of anxiety they suffer . All of these sub-tests involve reading << except >> Arithmetic Computation . In any case , he refused to << accept >> the implications of the analysis , that he needed to be made over . To << accept >> the validity of the judgments of others is the second step . Each cell << except >> the last in the chain also contains the address of the Y-cell that is the next element of the chain ; ; It will be seen that where the scope is similar , the Athabascan ratios come out somewhat higher ( as indeed they ought to with a total ratio of 2.8 as against 3.5 or 4 : 5 ) << except >> for verbs , where alone the Athabascan ratio is lower . The European customs on which international law was based were to become , by force and fiat , the customs that others were to << accept >> as law if they were to join this community as sovereign states . There was no law , domestic or international , << except >> that willed by , acknowledged by , or consented to by states . I cannot << accept >> that view , either as a lawyer or as an administrator . General manager Pels even suggested that it might be wise to keep the Mexicans in suspense rather than << accept >> their offers to sell out and move away , and try to have a few punished . that is , by being placed in such relation to the forms depicted within the illusion that these forms left no room for the typography << except >> near the surface . the internal organization rarely has any chronological order , << except >> in obvious groups like the `` Poems of Pilgrimage '' , the `` Poems of 1912 - 13 '' , and the war poems . There was one sterile period : only one poem is dated between 1872 and 1882 and , << except >> for the poems written on the trip to Italy in 1887 , very few from 1882 to 1890 . Just as Hart Crane had little influence on anyone << except >> very reactionary writers -- like Allen Tate , for instance , to whom Valery was the last word in modern poetry and the felicities of an Apollinaire , let alone a Paul Eluard were nonsense -- so Dylan Thomas's influence has been slight indeed . The specimen of fabric is a rectangle at least 22 by 22 inches , << except >> for cloth narrower than 22 inches , in which case the specimen is the entire width of the fabric . The type of presentation of results used in the deterministic process may be used here , << except >> that now the fourth column is redundant . He had not even thought about her much << except >> once or twice at night in bed when his slowly ranging thoughts would abruptly , almost accidentally , encounter her . This was the largest house he had ever been in , almost the largest building , << except >> for a hotel . The stage had been empty , << except >> for Harry Hawk , doing his star monologue . It may appear that we were cruel and callous , but no one had time to spend sympathizing with poor Isaac -- << except >> the Reverend . If we cluster together , the redcoats can make an advantage out of it , but there's not a blessed thing they can do with two or three of us << except >> chase us , and we can outrun them '' . The arrangement with Argiento was working well , << except >> that sometimes Michelangelo could not figure who was master and who apprentice . No one went much to the crossroads now << except >> Uncle Randolph . The O'Dwyers were real religious people << except >> for Kate . I think his name stopped the snoring but he didn't move << except >> to roll a little when I shoved him . There were tire marks where it had been , but they were overlapped by others and on the dusty floor would not be noticeable << except >> under close scrutiny . The enormity of what Conrad had told him made it impossible for Gilborn to << accept >> , with any degree of realism , the actuality of it . Stanley had filled out the return and because , when he was finished , it was close to the lunch hour , he had politely asked Kitti to join him , never expecting her to << accept >> . By the time Felix turned up it was early afternoon , which , one would think , would be late enough so that by then , << except >> for small children and a few hardy souls who had not yet sobered up , it could have been expected that people would no longer be having any sort of active interest in the previous night's noisemakers and paper hats . There was really no place to go , finally , << except >> home to Mae . He couldn't skindive , he couldn't run a boat , << except >> on the open sea . But there's no way off the Point << except >> through my road block . Now they were empty , << except >> for a cottage across the road . Hiding out like this won't get him anything , << except >> more trouble , or a bullet '' . It was a big room , empty << except >> for a few things of Pops's at the far end -- a wooden crate on which stood the candle , a spread out blanket , and an unrolled bindle . This was the same , << except >> that it was the murder of one man by two men and neither of us was wearing gloves . It was a kick , but not a big enough one for me to want to take the chance again , << except >> for stakes . A fire wouldn't have mattered << except >> that it would cause Pops to be found sooner . Then there was North America , where American was the native speech of all << except >> the twenty descendants of French-Canadians living on the Hudson Bay Preserve . Meanwhile , all the personnel << except >> those few needed to carry out the performance of the ship , went into the suspensor . He was naked << except >> for a clout . Having nothing else to do << except >> wait for my forms to be processed , I gave myself over to speculations concerning the hall itself . Red man or white man , pacifist or killer , the forest would << accept >> them all -- knowing that it could thrive equally well on slaughter and beneficence ; ; All the doors were open at this hour << except >> one , and it was toward this that Stevens made his way with Russ close at his shoulder . They thought it would be a chance for you to make a life out where nobody will be thought any better than the next << except >> for just what's inside of them . `` Karipo was great goddess , told our mothers that men were not necessary << except >> to father children '' , the crone told me . Now , she just sat there looking at him , without an expression << except >> concern for him . All of us , that is , << except >> me . That night he dreamed a dream violent with passion , in which he and the Woman , now the teacher , did everything << except >> engage in the act ( and this probably only because he had never engaged in the act in reality ) , and when he awoke the next morning his heart was afire . At noontime , remembering what the teacher had said about maybe playing with the kids , Jack stayed close to the schoolhouse while all the other big boys , << except >> Charles , went off out the road to play ball . Without looking at him , without looking at anything << except >> Drexel Street directly in front of her , she climbed up into one of those orange streetcars , rode away in it , and never came back . He knew it was there , knew also what it was about , but he wouldn't raise a finger << except >> to smooth his yellow dog's back . All , of course , << except >> the Donner party who were bent on starving to death . `` And do you think there is a reason why I should << accept >> your word '' ? ? They had large bright eyes , the small upturned noses of all babies everywhere , and hair cropped short << except >> for the long ringlets of paot framing their little white faces . All his family was dead , << except >> for his son . Turning toward the patient again , I -- I can't describe what happened to me then , << except >> to say that I felt sick . As for Cousin Alexander Carraway , the only thing Theresa could remember at the moment about him ( << except >> his paper knife ) was that he had had exceptionally long hands and feet and one night about one o'clock in the morning the whole Stubblefield family had been aroused to go next door at Cousin Emma's call -- first Papa , then Mother , then Theresa and George . In Tokyo Richard took up a life similar to that which he had lived in New York , << except >> that he had replaced his biwa with a friend . Dolores kept picking up any of his clothes ( << except >> the fatal shorts ) which he left about , but he had been robbed of pleasure in scattering his possessions . And a witty American journalist remarked over a century ago what is even more true today , `` Many a writer seems to think he is never profound << except >> when he can't understand his own meaning '' . Well , ordinarily he is , << except >> ( as the Wheel of the Law specifies ) toward impious folk who steal , disturb , or maltreat the Presence .