CIS 736 (Computer Graphics)

Spring, 2001

Machine Problem 4

“I'm a little teapot”

Tuesday, 27 March 2001

Due: Wenesday, 12 April, 2001 (before your carriage turns into a pumpkin)

This machine problem introduces you to the RenderMan shading language.

Refer to the course intro handout for guidelines on working with other students.  Remember to submit your solutions in electronic form using handin and produce them only from your own work (not common scratch work, notes, or sources other than those provided).   If you intend to use other references (e.g., A. Watt's books or Graphics Gems), get the instructor's permission, and cite your reference properly.

Use these links to get started:

  1. Download the teapot scenefile and basic shaders from
  2. (20 Points) Write a shader for the floor.  Create one of the following using only procedural techniques (ie: no texture maps) with a phong illumination model:
    1. fractal Brownian noise
    2. cellular noise
    3. checker board
    4. tile floor
    5. wood
    6. brick
    7. marble
  3. (30 Points) Write a shader for the Teapot combining these three components.  Combine them using a layer technique as described in Advanced Renderman
    1. base color - choose a base color.
    2. decal - find or create an image and place it on the body of the teapot.
    3. raytrace - add a reflection component to the whole surface using BMRT's built in trace() function.
    4. add an illumination model (lambert, metalic, or another, but not phong ) for the surface
  4. Hand in the rendered image ( mp4/images/teapots.tif ), your modified scene file ( mp4/rib/teapots.rib ) and all of the shaders for your scene.